Effect of Injection Timing and EGR on the Diverse Attributes of Diesel Engine Powered with Juliflora Methyl Ester Blend
J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 13, No 4 (2024) pp. 536-545
The study examines the efficacy of using a 20% blend of juliflora methyl ester (JFME20) as a diesel fuel alternative, focusing on injection timings of 19°, 23°, and 27° bTDC. At 27° bTDC, JFME20 exhibited a 4.53% increase in brake thermal efficiency (BTE) compared to standard conditions. Emission reductions at full load were notable: smoke decreased by 8%, hydrocarbons (HC) by 17.3%, and carbon monoxide (CO) by 25.45%. However, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions increased, necessitating additional mitigation strategies. To address this, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) was implemented at 10% and 20% with JFME20 at 27° bTDC, resulting in substantial NOx reductions by 16.74% and 33%, respectively, compared to JFME20 without EGR. These findings underscore that JFME20 enhances thermal efficiency, reduces CO, HC, and smoke emissions, and highlights the necessity of managing NOx emissions. EGR emerges as a vital technique for optimizing the environmental performance of biofuels in diesel engines, balancing efficiency and emission control. This study demonstrates the potential of JFME20 as a viable diesel substitute, with EGR playing a critical role in mitigating its environmental impact.
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