Articles in Press

MS. No. Title Authors Vol Download
1. ENT242703 Enhancement of Corrosion and Wear Resistance in Maritime Propeller Systems through Copper Electroplating on Nickel-Based Superalloys Vijayananth S, Ramanan N, Balaji Ganesan*, Krishnamoorthy N, Sathishkumar R xx(x) -
2. ENT242734 Optimizing Pyramid Solar Still Performance using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks Godwin Immanuel D*, Samson Isaac, Amanpreet Kaur, E. Pearlin, Shailendra Kumar Bohidar, Raja Manikandan xx(x) -
3. ENT243818 Temperature-Induced Modifications in Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles and their Effect on the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells N. Prabhu*, P. Sivakumar, S. Priyatharshni and C.Karthikraj xx(x) -
4. ENT243820 Effect of indigenous Aspergillus tubingensis mediated gold nanoparticles on exoenzyme profile of Barite mine contaminated soil Govinda Manjula, Aavala Venugopal, Mundla Nagalakshmi devamma* xx(x) -
5. ENT243822 Fabrication and thermal analyses on nanostructured heat transfer medium and novel conical shaped solar greenhouse device R. Ranjith, P. J. Jegan Babu*, R. V. Jeba Rajasekhar and K. Pitchaimani xx(x) -
6. ENT243823 An Investigation Into The Impact of Nano-Additives on the Performance and Emission Levels of a Diesel Engine Fuelled by Nahar Biodiesel Rohith Renish R*, Amala Justus Selvam M xx(x) -
7. ENT242717 Characterization and Ambient Temperature Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing of Annealed NiO-MnO₂ Thin Films Prepared via Jet Nebulizer Spray Pyrolysis S. Saranya, N. Sethupathi*, P. Mahalingam, P. Sivakumar xx(x) PDF

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