Retracted: Optimizing Pyramid Solar Still Performance using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks
J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 13, No 4 (2024) pp. 505-517
The global demand for potable water continues to rise, there is an urge to call for innovative approaches to ensure sustainable water supply. This study investigates the optimization of process parameters in Pyramid Solar Still (PSS) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and a Feedforward Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Experimental trials were conducted in Vellore, India, under a 30-day duration to evaluate the performance of PSS. By leveraging RSM and ANN, the research aimed to enhance the thermal efficiency and water yield of PSS. Key parameters solar intensity, inclination angle, and water depth were optimized, resulting in a significant improvement in both thermal efficiency and water yield. Specifically, the thermal efficiency increased by 42%, while the water yield improved by 1.8 litres per square meter. Economic analysis demonstrated a reduction in water production costs, with the cost per litre decreasing by 0.20 INR. This study proves the effectiveness of integrating RSM and ANN in optimizing solar stills, contributing to advancements in water purification technologies.
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