Nano and Polymer Materials
J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 6, No 3 (2017) pp. 18-24
NANOTECHNOLOGY is an expected future manufacturing technology that will make most product lighter, stronger and less expensive with more precise NANOTECHNOLOGY refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products. NANO PILLAR is a new kind of solar cell they make bendable solar cells by encapsulating the entire cell inside a transparent, rubbery polymer. The design, the researchers suggest, cold lead to solar cells that cost less than conventional silicon photovoltaics. The nanopillars allow using cheaper, lower –quality materials than those used in conventional silicon and thin film technologies. Increment in efficiency, nonopillars that trap more light,.Nanopillars Boost Solar efficiency, A new twist for nanopillar collectors is the topics overcome in the forthcoming pages. NANO PILLARS make more-efficient thin-flim solar cells using existing manufacturing equipment. Recently, Here we developed nano-fibrous poly(l-lactic acid) scaffolds under the hypothesis that synthetic nanofibrous scaffolding, mimicking the structure of natural collagen fibers, could create a more favorable microenvironment for cells. This is the first report that the nanofibrous architecture built in three-dimensional scaffolds improved the features of protein adsorption, which mediates cell interactions with scaffolds. Scaffolds with nanofibrous pore walls adsorbed four times more serum proteins than scaffolds with solid pore walls. More interestingly,the nanofibrous architecture selectively enhanced protein adsorption including fibronectin and vitronectin, even though both scaffolds were made from the same poly(l-lactic acid) material. Furthermore, nanofibrous scaf- folds also allowed 1.7 times of osteoblastic cell attachment than scaffolds with solid pore walls. These results demonstrate that the biomimetic nano-fibrous architecture serves as superior scaffolding for tissue engineering.
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