Nanotoxicology - Health and Environmental Impacts: A Review
J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 4, No 3 (2015) pp. 55-73
Nanotechnology is the new field of technological innovation that transformed the industrial development. This revolution emphasized the large scale production of nano-based materials. The novel behaviour of nanoparticle is dominated by quantum mechanics, materials confinement in small structures, large surface to volume ratio and other unique properties, phenomena and processes. The consumption of products containing nanomaterial is increasing and represents a risk to health and the environment. Understanding the toxicity of engineered nanomaterial and nano-based products is important for human environmental health and safety. Nanotoxicology, is intended to define the toxicological activities of potential nanomaterial and their products to determine whether and to what extent these materials pose threat to environment and human health. In this context the fate of nanoparticles in environment with reference to air, water, soil has been studied. Health aspects of nanomaterials have also been cited including nanomaterials effect on different organ systems. The main objective of present review is to focus on the effect of nano materials on health and environment and to discuss the sources, fate, distribution, deposition, bioavailability and toxicity of engineered nanomaterial.
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