Assessing the Impact of Pesticide use on India’s Agriculture and Environment
J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Volume 13, No 4 (2024) pp. 241-256
The Indian agricultural sector has become highly dependent on pesticides to protect the crops from pests and diseases. However, the extensive use of chemical pesticides poses a severe threat to the environment and its sustainability. This paper aims to review and analyze the trend across the country and explain the adverse consequences of pesticides on ecosystems. As pesticides can contaminate soil, water, and air resulting in serious environmental degradation, this research looks at how various pesticides affect these natural resources by causing long-term harm to ecosystems. Moreover, prolonged exposure to pesticides can also be harmful to human health. The paper examines the intricate relationship between exposure levels versus the inherent toxicity of such chemical compounds, also considering the possible health risks associated with their utilization in fields. Also, the chances of forming decomposition by-products that may be more harmful than the parent chemicals within the environmental matrix are highlighted. This paper also investigates alternative methods for the use of pesticides, paving the path for safe and organic agricultural practices that could be adopted. The study highlights the urgent need for a shift towards integrated pest management strategies, biopesticides, and precision agriculture technologies to mitigate the negative impacts of pesticides and ensure sustainable agricultural development in India.
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