Welcome to Nanoient its Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Institute for Environmental Nanotechnology

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Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells that use Carbon Nanotube Thin Films

Our research team is a group of leading Ph.D in the field of Nano Technology. We have completed more research and development work in the field of carbon nano synthesis and their applications .We have worked with various types of scalable technologies. To provides high purity single walled carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) with various diameters narrow diameters distribution and very low and high purity depending on the application. Read More

Effect of Process Parameter on the Preparation of Nanoporus Carbon Materials using Agricultural Waste Materials

Carbon is remarkably tough—atom-thick graphene and long, thin carbon nanotubes are two of the strongest materials ever tested. So carbon photovoltaics might be sprayed on the sides of buildings or rolled up and taken into the desert. Various forms of carbon can be printed to make thin, flexible, transparent and even stretchable electronics. Thanks to its versatility, carbon in one form or another was used to make each solar-cell component. The three main parts a nanotube cathode and a graphene anode sandwiching an active layer made of nanotubes were all made by printing or evaporating from inks. Read More

Synthesis of Low Cost Large Scale MWNTs from Non-Conventional Resources

Various learned-bodies and even Nobel Laureates have over the past recent years identified a range of Grand Challenges that Humanity must address in the coming decades in order to ensure the survival of our way of life - tackling the root causes of climate change whilst meeting huge increases in energy demand, reducing our impact on the wider environment, exploiting our natural resources more efficiently, ensuring adequate supplies of safe drinking water, and defence against terrorism are just a few of these key challenges. Read More

Environmental Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

Advanced carbonaceous materials have drawn great attention throughout the world because of their particular microstructures, unique properties, and great potential applications in many fields. Several carbon species such as methane, acetylene, benzene, xylene, toluene, etc., have been used as a carbon feedstock to synthesize CNTs . These carbon precursors are related to fossil fuels which may not be sufficiently available in near future; so in order to develop a more competitive carbon material, it is necessary to consider developing carbonaceous materials from the natural resource. Read More

Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells using Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes as Counter Electrode

Finding alternative sources of power is a hot topic on the minds of many Researchers right now, but imagine living in a society where finding any source of power is a daily issue. As third-world nations around the world continue to develop, there is a striking need to provide a source of electrical power to areas that have no access to the traditional power plants that Americans take for granted. A commonly proposed solution to this issue is to introduce solar cells to these remote areas. Solar cells produce relatively cheap and clean power, while their size and the maintenance requirements are small enough that they would suit locations that are inaccessible to other power sources. Read More

Synthesis of MWNTs from Tyre Pyrolysis Oil

Finding alternative sources of fuel is a hot topic on the minds of many Researchers right now, However, in view of foreseen crisis of fossil fuels in the near future, it is desirable to look for alternative carbon feedstock to synthesize various kinds of nanomaterials. The present study is to grow carbon nanofiber on quartz substrates by spray pyrolysis of inexpensive precursor tire pyrolysis oil. Designing of catalyst material and optimization of reaction parameters , which is suitable for specific morphological one dimensional carbon nano structures from tire pyrolysis oil is one of the future prospects in this area of research. Read More