Welcome to Nanoient its Monday 31st of March 2025

Institute for Environmental Nanotechnology

(Arena Amplified...... Solution Simplified !!)

IENT Author Services

IENT Author Services offers a range of fast, accurate, and competitively priced options to suit you. We welcome all authors to use our services, whether you intend to publish your work in an IENT journal or not.

For our regular edit and specialist edit services, all manuscripts are edited by our fully trained team of first-language English speakers who will improve the grammar and phrasing of your paper at any stage prior to publication. You can find more information about the full range of services we offer below.

English Editing Services

Regular Edit: The regular edit checks the grammar, spelling, punctuation and phrasing of your paper. Completed within 2 business days.

Specialist Edit: The specialist edit includes all features of the regular edit, followed by a check of the overall structure and clarity of expression by an editor with knowledge of your subject area. Completed within 4 business days.

Extra Services

Layout Editing: Layout editing prepares your submission for publication in an IENT journal of your choice. Completed within 1 business day.

Plagiarism Check: The plagiarism check generates a report that highlights any instances of text duplication and potential plagiarism, along with advice on where to modify text or add further citations. Completed within 1 business day.